Sunday, April 11, 2010

RCIA today - Holy Orders and Annointing of the Sick

Unfortunately there were no handouts today and I forgot my notebook... Needless to say, this means I didn't retain too awful much other than the fact that I NEED to get to know my Bible! I am so tired of not knowing the stories that people are talking about. I feel ignorant (because I am in this case.) I don't like it :-) However, as I've said before.. the Bible intimidates me. So, I'm picking up a childrens Bible to learn the basics of all the important stories. I didn't know that they fished at night in Galilee lol there is so much I don't know! I should know these things and I'm going to stop beating myself up over it because then I work myself into a sedentary situation and I do nothing instead of at least taking baby steps.

We learned alot about the types of oils used for Sacraments and we went over the Rite for next Sunday when LORD willing I will be brought into full communion with the Catholic Church. I am praying for a speedy response from the Tribunal on my Annulment application. Say a prayer if you would :-)

Our service was beautiful today! We had special singers for Divine Mercy. I talked to several people before class, after class and after Mass. I am really starting to feel like a part of the family. I'm making friends which at this moment in my life is a miracle from God!

I am doing some research into the relationship between fluctuating harmones and my panic/anxiety condition. Hopefully I will find something that will help me by going this direction. I've started my grant application for starting school. I'm excited about this as I'm always excited about learning!

Kevin took us out to lunch and shopping for flip flops after church as well. I also asked Katelin to start picking one Sunday each month to attend church with us. She did not argue!! Baby steps...

Is there such a thing as the Bible on DVD?

I'm so lazy...

1 comment:

Barbara Schoeneberger said...

See if you can find a natural health (holistic) practitioner to help you with the hormone thing. Dr. David Brownstein has a great book: The Miracle of Natural Hormones. It's very possible that a chemical imbalance due to messed up hormones can cause anxiety and panic. Next week I get feedback on my hormone testing I did with my new naturopath. I'll post about it on my blog. Keep up the good work!

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