Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mary, Mother of God

We had a fabulous class this morning on Mary. Lots of great information. It was over way too soon. I found out that we have a Legion of Mary that meets on Saturday mornings. I think I'll visit them :-)

I also have a sponsor now! I had been praying for a sponsor. One that I could learn from and possibly they might even learn from me. Someone that I could relate to. She is the wife of one of the regular speakers at RCIA. They have two children almost the same ages as mine. She seems very down to earth. I'm really excited!

I found out today that my daughter will need to do a year of classes. I need to sit down and talk with someone. My daughter is definitely not ready but my son really wants to be baptised. What is the criteria for that? I need to look it up. I wonder if it is something where he could sit down with someone and answer questions to show that he understands enough... I'll have to find out.

We have our second RCIC class in a little over a week. They had homework last week. I need to get them on that each night so we have it all done without rushing.

I still feel like I'm back at school! So much to learn, digest and try to understand. I'm still having trouble with anxiety and depression but am making super progress on my dining room. It will be done by the end of the week Lord willing! It's really looking beautiful!


Joyful Catholics said...

I absolutely LOVE our Blessed Mother. Growing up Methodist, she wasn't mentioned except at Christmas, and when I played with our nativity scene... little figurines set up under our tree. Love you blog. Been a long time since I've popped in and decided 'this is the time!' We're in a mess, having repainted and carpeted our bedroom, now to put things back in some sort of order...not easy for those of us tending to be more sloppy. Creative minds have sloppy houses/desks, right? :) God bless. Mary hold you tightly, too.


Thou Art Jules said...

My Mother has always told me that! About the sloppy desk/house lol

I know what you mean about getting things back in order. We undertook a huge renovation in our dining room. Hopefully to be finished by the end of the week. My house has not been the same since we started and it needs to be righted by Thanksgiving!

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