Friday, March 19, 2010

1, 546,898 times!?

I'm working on my Examination of Conscience and boy is this interesting! I feel like I should be filling up 10 pages of things. So I have a question as this will be my first confession since baptism which I think was about 12 years of age.. maybe less.

So, do I write down that I have had impure thoughts 1,546,898 times or just "alot"? You know what I mean? Many of the things I'm writing down are things I've done for "most of my life." Because, well... I wasn't very religious at all for much of my life.

I'm just wondering how specific to be. I mean how much detail to give. I know you aren't suppose to explain but should you specify that you were mean to your kids, mean to your Mom, mean to your Grandma or just that you've been mean to alot of people?

Perhaps I'm overthinking the whole process?

What say you?


Sarah Harkins said...

Julia, I love that I am witnessing you do this for the first time! How exciting!! About confession- I've never been taught to say how many times I've done a sin- except for mortal sins. I don't even think I could give numbers for venial sins if I tried! And about being specific- that's a tough call because this is your first time. I say- make sure you say the mortal sins first, and try to do them in the order that you are most ashamed of them. I've heard to do that by many priests. That gives them a feel for what is most important to your heart and soul. Then do the venial sins as they come to you- remembering that as long as you are sorry for them, remembering to confess each and every one in the confessional is not important in the grand picture. Remember as many as you can, but the rest will be forgiven as well. Good Luck! I look forward to reading how your experience went.

Unknown said...

When I made my first confession, I was advised to confess those things that were still really bothering my conscience. I don't think it would ever be possible to recount each and every sin. Confess any mortal sins you're aware of, and anything that is still weighing on your mind. If you know the number, good....if not I wouldn't worry about it. The priest will help you. Ask for guidance if you need it. Good luck :)

Anonymous said...

I say, you are over-thinking the whole process. But do whatever works for you...

Thou Art Jules said...

Thank you all for your comments! I love the idea of confessing the things you are most ashamed of or that are bothering you most first. That makes so much sense!

I'm feeling pretty good about it. I just hope they have help because Brandon has 3rd Scrutiny at the 11:30 Mass.

Have a blessed Sunday everyone!

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